AZZY fast-acting ultra-lemon glass cleaner

AZZY fast-acting ultra-lemon glass cleaner features an enhanced formula, specially created to wipe off the toughest grease and stains from glass and many other washable surfaces. AZZY Glass Cleaner works on metals, mirrors, screens, and tiles. A spray cap allows for simplicity of use with convenient dosage, making AZZY your best helping hand in maintaining a bright and healthy home.

500ml, 750ml

  • Dongguan City, China
  • Kaifeng City, China
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

2000 bottles for AZZY standard products; 8000 bottles for customized products.

T/T, DP, DA, OA, LC 

5 million+ bottles per month 

Within 20 days for AZZY standard products; Within 30 days for customized products.

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Yes. It’s formulated with super antibacterial agent to eliminate 99.9% germs. 

No. AZZY ultra-lemon glass cleaner is ammonia-free formula. It’s safe and healthy on a wide range of surfaces. 

Yes. AZZY ultra-lemon glass cleaner is safe to use on screens and surfaces of TVs, computers, cellphones, pads, and other electronics devices. It can help you to easily wipe off stains, grease, and fingerprints on these screen and surfaces without damaging.

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STPP-June Qin

June Qin

Product Manager

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