Category: Common problems

Common problems

Hand Washing Powder vs Machine Washing Powder

Choosing the right laundry detergent is crucial for the cleanliness and longevity of your clothes. With a wide variety of laundry detergents available in the market, it is essential to know the differences between hand washing powder and machine washing powder. This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth insight into the composition, formulation, and cleaning performance of these laundry detergents. It also discusses factors such as suds production, hand washing techniques, machine washing efficiency concerns, stain removal properties, and eco-friendly options. By understanding the distinct features and benefits of hand washing and machine washing detergents, you can make an informed decision that best suits your laundry needs.

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Common problems

The Ultimate Q&A About Laundry Detergents Use

When it comes to washing, the abundance of options can be mind-boggling. Our customer service experts regularly face numerous questions about laundry detergents use, so we decided to put all the most common queries in one place (together with answers, naturally). We also provided some bonus tips!

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Common problems

Complete guide to ODM Private Labeling

Private labeling is also referred to as store brands or store-label products. That explains the concept, meaning that your company will source a product from an outside manufacturer and then simply rebrand it with your logo. This sourcing method allows you to buy products in bulk at affordable prices, with a possibility of high-profit margins.

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Common problems

Complete Guide to OEM Contract Manufacturing Detergents

What is OEM Contract Manufacturing, and why may it be the right choice for expanding your business?
The process of manufacturing has changed significantly over the years. Back in the day, manufacturing implied one giant process that took place in a large factory. Today, the production methods are not only more efficient, but they are also much more cost-effective and, if you want to get into the detergent manufacturing business, you have many convenient options available to explore. Whether you are planning to enter the market for the first time or expand an existing venture, you will want to position yourself quickly and effectively. And that’s where OEM contract manufacturing comes in place.

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Common problems

Hard Water Laundry Problems

If your garment, towels, and sheets do not appear properly washed, feel stiff, and you often notice weird residue in the fabrics – the chances are high that you live in a hard-water area. Hard water laundry can even provoke the breakage of regularly treated fibers. The culprit for all these issues is the excessive mineral content in water. It can be fought by additives, special detergent formulations, or water-softening systems.

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High foaming SUPPOW detergent
Common problems

High Foaming: The Necessary Feature of Laundry Foam Detergents?

We have all seen it. Foam appears whenever some form of soap is used, when we wash hands, put shampoo on hair, wash dishes, or do the laundry. It’s that bubbly thing, right? But what makes the laundry foam detergent bubbly, and does that have any meaning at all, besides looking like fun? As it happens – it does.

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Common problems

Powder VS Liquid Laundry Detergent – And the Winner Is…

What is the reason to create different products if they contain the same ingredients and do the same job? The issue of powder VS liquid laundry detergent seems redundant at first glance. However, while they might appear the same – variations in functionality, efficiency, and quality can make a world of difference in the end.

First, there was water, and later came ash, followed by a variety of soap innovations. Then someone invented powder detergent and shook the laundry washing scene. Liquid detergents appeared decades later. It is kind of natural to presume that newer is absolutely better.

But is it?

Let’s see what’s in the backstage of the powder vs. liquid laundry detergent battle. We’ll examine the target focus, similarities and differences, along with the pros and cons of each.

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Detergent powder sample by STTP Group
Common problems

15 Commonly Asked Questions About Powder Detergent Formulas

STPP Group is an experienced manufacturer of powder detergents, and our experts face diverse questions from our clients and end consumers. We believe in transparency and shared knowledge, and you will always find us happy to provide the answers.

Here you will find a collection of the most frequently asked questions about powder detergents, coming from those who genuinely depend on the correct answers: our customers.

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Buying directly from detergent manufacturers
Common problems

Buying Directly From Manufacturers: Yes or No?

Traditional relations between manufacturers, wholesalers, and customers have been changing for quite a while.

Wholesalers used to be the ultimate link in the chain, the key connection between manufacturers and customers. The cases when producers have been selling goods directly to clients were an exception rather than a rule.

Instead, wholesalers served as brokers who purchased products in bulk to resell, which led to final customers buying them at higher rates.

Is it time for such a situation to change?

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